Welcome to the Office of Institutional Advancement
Mrs. Jackie Brennan, Director of Advancement jbrennan@saintsacademy.org
Mrs. Kelly Fernald, Principal Kfernald@saintsacademy.org
Mrs. Amy Burke, Director of Communications & Marketing aburke@saintsacademy.org
The Saints Academy conducts a comprehensive program of institutional advancement that insures the fiscal viability of the school. The major component of the program is to raise the funds necessary to meet the operating expenses not fully covered by tuition. The tuition covers approximately 80% of the cost to educate a Saints Academy student. All gifts to the program, unlike tuition, are tax-deductible. The Saints Academy Annual Fund, Auction, and Golf Classic, are the major components. It is expected that all families participate in and support the institutional advancement program by offering your "time, talent, and/or treasure".
The Saints Academy does not mandate fundraising (e.g., calendar sales, candy sales, Bingo, etc.) or require mandatory parent volunteer hours. We do, however, rely upon our entire parent and extended school community to support activities and programs that raise financial resources through the school’s Advancement Program. Revenue raised through our Annual Fund, Auction, and Golf Classic are critical to ensuring tuition remains affordable and accessible by providing all families a reduced tuition rate. Parental participation and support of these facets of our school community remain increasingly important for the school to continue to provide a per child subsidy to all families in the school.