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Pre K Curriculum


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The Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is a “Readiness Program” focusing on preparing the “whole child” for entrance into our Kindergarten class.  Teacher resource guides and materials are numerous and are adapted to the abilities of four and five year old children.  The Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is not text book orientated. 

Here is just a small sampling of the areas your child will focus on:

  • Religion - Recite prayers, Learn that they are special gifts of God
  • Work/Play habits - Seek help when needed, Value their own work, Finish what has been started
  • Social/Emotional development - Respect and show concern for people and things, Maintain a good self image/confidence
  • Personal development - State full name, age,  birthday, etc
  • Physical development (fine & gross motor) - Manipulate writing materials, perform simple puzzle assembly, manipulate small pieces, i.e. Legos, linking people, pop and groove, snap-cube, participate in games
  • Art development - Explore art media, Be imaginative with art materials
  • Music development - Show enthusiasm for music, Sing songs used to introduce themes
  • Math readiness- Counting, Understand “how many” and “more/less”
  • Language development - Speak in sentences, Re-tell a story in sequence
  • Written development - Print  first name (upper and lower case), Form letters correctly, Work from left to right
  • Reading Readiness- Recite the alphabet (rote memory), Identify alphabet letters (upper and lower case)
  • Cognitive development -Recognize own name and peer’s names, Interpret pictures
  • Computer development - Engage in various computer CD games, i.e. Counting and Sorting, Disney Magic Art Studio, Jump Start Numbers. I want to Read, Candy Land
  • Science development - Identify daily weather, Identify life cycles of plants and animals, Participate in incubation and hatching projects, i.e. chicks, fish , tadpoles, butterflies, ladybugs
  • Social Studies development - Student will participate in various field trips, including: Apple picking, Pumpkin picking, Theater productions, Museums, Historical, Fire department
  • Cooking - The student will prepare Snacks, i.e. crackers and peanut butter, apple pie, apple sauce, rice krispie treats and measure ingredients during baking projects



Teaching Strategies
The morning meeting
The daily lesson
Songs, poetry
Visits to Church
Handwriting or counting practice
Math activities

Written/oral conference with parent

Mailbox series
Frog Street Series
Weekly Reader Series
Bible Story Book
100 Days of School/Emily’s first 100 Days by Rosemary Wells
Giant Basic Skills Workbook Series
Scholastic Alphabet Wheels Book
Mother Goose and Friends Series
Noah’s Ark Alphabet Book, numbers, shapes, colors, mazes, dot-to-dot, hidden pictures – Grace Publications
Turtle Magazine Series
Brighter Child Reading Series
I Am Special Series
Lakeshore Theme Units
Story Books
Music CD’s
Music Cassettes